Short morning meditations from the Synod’s Ladies meeting 2019


Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 17: 32 – 37
In the USA, a penny is an underestimated piece of money to be dealt with. So, many people would not bother to pick up a discarded penny on the street. However, many charitable associations believe that pennies end up with a big amount of money, and children are the most generous contributors. And as one participant said: “Small contributions can make a big difference.”
The story of Goliath and David in the Holy Bible, describes David as a low person, but his trust in God was greater than his trust in any other powerful person around him. When David volunteered to face Goliath the champion, Saul said: “You are not able to go out against this Philistine.”  (1 Samuel 17: 33).
David did not suffer from” the disease of the underestimated penny” which means feeling inferior and disabled to face any difficult situation. If he had listened to Saul’s pessimism, or the threats of Goliath, he would have backed up and did nothing. Instead, he acted courageously because he trusted in God. It is very easy to feel weak, as a penny in the midst of a trillion dollars, but when we obey the Lord in all circumstances, this will make us feel very strong.
All that we do in faith, whether little or plenty, will make a big difference. Every penny has its importance and worth.
Wednesday 7 August, 2019
Scripture reading: Psalm 34: 1 – 15
Jane Walsh was the secretary of the Scottish writer Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881) then became his wife. She dedicated her life to him and to his work.  He loved her very much; nevertheless, he was so busy with writing and delivering speeches to the extent that he neglected her most of the times. After some years of their marriage, she became sick and suddenly passed away.
After the funeral, Carlyle went into her room, found her diary and started reading: “Yesterday he spent one hour with me, it was like heaven. How I love him.” On another page he read: “ I listened all day to hear his footsteps, but it was too late, I think he is not coming today!”  Then Carlyle realized how much he neglected and ignored her and how she missed him and longed to talk to him. So, he cried bitterly with a broken heart.
As I read this story a thought came to my mind: God loves me so much, and He waits for me to talk to Him and communicate with Him. And how many days I forget all about Him!!!!! God welcomes our worship, prayers, and praises. He even commanded us to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5: 17). He knocks at the doors of our hearts and waits patiently; He listens attentively to our cries and our prayers. So, let us talk to Him and ask Him, and He will answer.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Scripture reading: Psalm 145: 1 – 18
“The main aim of a human being is to praise the Lord and exalt His name forever.”  This is stated in the Wes minister book of the Christian Principles. There are many sacred texts that call us to be joyfully grateful and worship the Living Lord. When we show reverence to God, we will be celebrating the source of all goodness.
When we praise God with all our hearts, we find ourselves in a state of joy. As the beautiful sunset or the sight of sheep grazing imply peace and the greatness of the creator, so worship attracts us to a close spiritual unity with Him. The Psalmist says: “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; ……. The Lord is near to all who call on Him” (psalm 145: 3, 18)
 God does not need us to praise Him and exalt Him; it is we who need to praise Him and glorify His name. Being in His presence makes us feel the joy of His eternal love, and delight in the one who came to deliver us and save us. The psalmist says: “You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”  (Psalm 16: 11)
So, let us worship God with hearts overflowing with praise and exaltation to our Lord.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Scripture reading: psalm 107: 23 – 32
It is mentioned in Psalm 107 “Others went out on the sea in ships” (verse 23) as they travel by sea, they consider that God is behind the storm and He stills it. In their understanding of life in the sea, there are two types of fears: first is the storm, and the second is the calmness of the wind.
In “The Ancient Mariner” the English poet Samuel Coleridge (1772 – 1834) describes the stormy weather in the sea and the stillness of the winds, and his famous words “water ….water ..everywhere… but not a drop to drink”
So when there are no winds, not even a breeze, the sailing ship stands still in its place, and the captain and the crew become desperate because they know that they will soon run out of drinking water.
Many times in our lives, we are forced to face storms, other times we are put in a state of boredom and feel as if we are trapped, and what we need badly seems out of reach. However, whether we are in the midst of a stormy situation, or in a place where there is no wind to move our sails, we should rely on our God to guide us and show us the way. For the Lord who controls all our changing circumstances, will surely lead us to our desired destination.
Saturday August 10, 2019
Scripture reading: Galatians 6: 7 – 10
It is a tale about a man who detected a strange discovery as he was looking for merchandise in a store; the discovery was that God Himself was the seller. So he approached God and asked Him: “What do you have to sell?” God answered: “What is your heart’s desire?” The man said: “I want happiness, peace of mind, and being released from fear….for me and for the whole world.” God smiled and said: “I do not sell fruits here, I only sell the seeds.”
In Galatians 6, Paul emphasizes the importance of planting the seeds of living in the fear of God. “A man reaps what he sows” (v. 7) .We cannot enjoy the blessings of the Lord unless we understand the importance of our role in this process, which will help us to follow the example of those who had sown the good seeds.
Let us ask God to help us sow the seeds of good deeds and let us trust in the Holy Spirit who will surely multiply the good fruits. The seeds that we sow today will define the fruits that we will reap tomorrow.

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